Request Data

When an endpoint receives a HTTP request, the route function is passed a Request object.

The following variables are accessible as properties on Request objects:

  • json (any) - JSON body

    from sanic.response import json
    def post_json(request):
        return json({ "received": True, "message": request.json })
  • args (dict) - Query string variables. A query string is the section of a URL that resembles ?key1=value1&key2=value2. If that URL were to be parsed, the args dictionary would look like {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}. The request’s query_string variable holds the unparsed string value.

    from sanic.response import json
    def query_string(request):
        return json({ "parsed": True, "args": request.args, "url": request.url, "query_string": request.query_string })
  • files (dictionary of File objects) - List of files that have a name, body, and type

    from sanic.response import json
    def post_json(request):
        test_file = request.files.get('test')
        file_parameters = {
            'body': test_file.body,
            'type': test_file.type,
        return json({ "received": True, "file_names": request.files.keys(), "test_file_parameters": file_parameters })
  • form (dict) - Posted form variables.

    from sanic.response import json
    def post_json(request):
        return json({ "received": True, "form_data": request.form, "test": request.form.get('test') })
  • body (bytes) - Posted raw body. This property allows retrieval of the request’s raw data, regardless of content type.

    from sanic.response import text
    @app.route("/users", methods=["POST",])
    def create_user(request):
        return text("You are trying to create a user with the following POST: %s" % request.body)
  • ip (str) - IP address of the requester.

Accessing values using get and getlist

The request properties which return a dictionary actually return a subclass of dict called RequestParameters. The key difference when using this object is the distinction between the get and getlist methods.

  • get(key, default=None) operates as normal, except that when the value of the given key is a list, only the first item is returned.
  • getlist(key, default=None) operates as normal, returning the entire list.
from sanic.request import RequestParameters

args = RequestParameters()
args['titles'] = ['Post 1', 'Post 2']

args.get('titles') # => 'Post 1'

args.getlist('titles') # => ['Post 1', 'Post 2']

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